Sunday Morning Adult Education
Sunday Morning Adult Education is offered September through May at 10:15 a.m. on Sunday mornings
after worship either in smaller group or in large, congregation-wide plenary
session. Topics include an array of subjects such as traditional teachings of
the Church, interacting with social issues such as anti-racism, and are led
by vibrant guests from the community as well as teachers from within First
Wednesday Bible Study
Wednesday Bible Study is taught by Pastor Dan in the church library every Wednesday at 10:00 a.m., September through May. Lively discussion ensues among a diverse group of people, and we’re not afraid to question, struggle, deepen, and search for the meaning of life and God together.
Silent Prayer Retreats
Two times a year, interested people go on silent prayer retreats in order to deepen in prayer and experience God in the quiet. They make their way to various religious communities such as the New Melleray Abbey in Iowa. On the retreats, participants gather for small group sharing and learning, daily eucharist, the prayer services of the monastic communities, and are given plenty of time for private prayer and can make an appointment for the ancient Christian practice of spiritual direction.
Women's Bible Study
Meets for four weeks in the summer using the WELCA Gather magazine as a study source.
Destiny Book Group
The last Monday of each month 12-15 persons gather for open and interesting discussion about a book that was read during that month. Members of the group suggest books of various genres for reading.
Our mission is to worship God, to serve others, to support one another,
and to invite all people to share in this Christian ministry.