WELCA - Women of the ELCA
Our First Lutheran Church Women's organization faithfully serves our
congregation and community in many capacities. We have one circle, Mary
Martha, that meets regularly for devotions, fellowship, and service projects. WELCA
also meets several times a year for special programs and fundraising
events for charity. First Lutheran’s WELCA is well known in the Quad Cities
community for its annual Cookie Walk and Craft Sale which is a fundraiser
held in the week prior to Thanksgiving.
WELCA also actively participates in Church Women United programs and service projects, as well as providing financial support to other local, statewide, and global causes.
First Friends
The mission of First Friends is to provide social activities for the congregation. A special highlight is always the Valentines Brunch which takes place in early February.
Men's Fellowship Group
The Men's Fellowship Group meets at noon on the thrid Tuesday of the month. A light lunch is followed by lively dicussion on a variety of topics.
"Flocking Together"
Our newest fellowship opportunity, "Flocking Together", meets six times a year at noon on the first Monday of the month in the Spring and Fall. Consisting of reflection, lunch, and program, it is open to all FLC members and guests.
Our mission is to worship God, to serve others, to support one another,
and to invite all people to share in this Christian ministry.