At First Lutheran, we view Christian stewardship in a holistic way; that we are creatures of our bodies, minds and spirits, the Church, the community and the world. To this end, we seek to grow in life-giving ways to conserve resources and to generously share gifts for the life of the world.
In caring for our bodies, the group Wholy Fit meets weekly, Tuesday at 10:00 a.m. doing age and ability appropriate exercises. In caring for mind and spirit, Strength for the Journey is led by Parish Nurse, Carol Curry, RN, or Pastor Dan meeting monthly at 1:00 p.m. This group supports one another going through life changes.
The Social Ministry Committee encourages the members of the congregation to focus on the needs of people within our congregation, in our community and throughout the world. The committee oversees friendly visits and transportation, local food pantry support, and world hunger. The committee also encourages congregational participation in the annual Crop Walk for Hunger, our annual Kids Against Hunger packaging event, and the ELCA Good Gifts program.
Prayer Shawls are made by the Knitorious Knitters and distributed to the sick and bereaved. A year-long quilt ministry project makes more than 150 quilts a year which are given to Lutheran World Relief for distribution around the world. Once a month a group of artistic and crafty women get together to create birthday cards which are mailed to members on their birthday.
Through these activities, and others, the First Lutheran congregation is continually encouraged to discuss and work on the social issues facing our community, nation, and world in light of our Christian faith and to be advocates for justice and concern for people with special needs.
Our mission is to worship God, to serve others, to support one another,
and to invite all people to share in this Christian ministry.